Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Front Cover Conventions

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 1 - On my magazine front cover i have included a barcode. This is a convention for most music magazine to have the barcode on the front of their magazine.
Image 2 - Here i have included a banner with the buzz word "Exclusive" on it. I have done this to draw attention to the cover story.
Image 3 - Here is my masthead. I decided to defy convention and make my masthead in the top left hand corner. I have done this because it is bright and will generally draw attention to my magazine.

Photoshop, front cover.

 Image 1
Image 2

Image 1 -  I used the magic wand tool to delete the background from my image. So i can have a plain black background on my magazine
Image 2 - In this image i used the blur tool to blur the outside of my image. This makes it less sharp and makes the model stand out more.

Conventions of a contents page

Conventions of a contents page

Click the link above to see my presentation on the generic conventions of a music magazine.